ILP berdiri sejak 1977, reputasi dan kualitas ILP tidak perlu dipertanyakan. ILP paling berpengalaman dalam urusan bahasa Inggris. Program pelajarannya bermacam-macam. Ada bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak, remaja, umum dan bisnis. Kualitas guru-gurunya pun tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Ada orang Indonesia, ada juga ekspatriat. Semuanya profesional dan berpengalaman di bidang bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, suasana ruangan kelasnya juga menyenangkan. Belajar pun jadi nyaman dan tidak membuat bosan.
The first branch of ILP (International Language Programs) was established in 1977 at Jl. Ciomas, Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta Selatan, and was the first English institution in Indonesia to offer native speaker instructors.
Our reputation has grown rapidly over the years, based on a strong business vision :
For the People of Indonesia
To provide a higher quality of language education in order to support the development of Indonesia and her people.
For the Education System
To contribute and share our knowledge and experience in language education.
For ILP’s Employees
To provide opportunities for our staff to develop themselves and their careers together with ILP.
For the ILP Educational Foundation
To develop the best study materials through research and development and systems of management and resources.
For the Future
To welcome the new millennium, and to acknowledge the continuing globalization process, ILP has developed its vision further :
- To open ILP branches in all major cities in Indonesia by the year 2008
- To offer ILP’s expertise and experience to a wider market, by establishing ILP branches in other countries
ILP’s Unique Selling Points
Our current reputation and success shows that the public sees ILP as a ’One Stop Learning Institution’ which can provide them with :
- Well trained and professional teachers
- The latest teaching methods
- A communicative and student-centered curriculum with a well developed and appropriate
syllabus for all levels.
- Small, friendly classes with an average of 14 students and a maximum of 18 students.
- A full range of study facilities such as: air conditioned rooms, audio-visual facilities,
multimedia, canteen and reading room.

ILP’s Programs :
> ILP Kids
> Young Adult's Courses (YAC)
> Intensive Courses
> General English (GE)
> Talking English (TE)
> Business English Program (BEP)
> Business English Skills Training (BEST)
> Saturday Business English Training (SABET)
The Market
The World
English is a universal language in the business world as well as in other disciplines like Science, Medicine, Law, etc. However, almost 90% of all countries in the world have a mother language other than English and at least two-thirds of the world population do not speak English.
Pressing Need
The new millennium is fast approaching. The Globalization Era is here. More and more foreign companies will establish businesses in Indonesia due to our rich natural resources, relatively cheap labor and a huge potential market. We have a pressing need to train our people to command good English. There is a market throughout the world for English education centers. The time is ripe to deliver these services. The market is huge, the demand pressing and the expanding economies can well afford it.
Mastery of English is the ticket to job employment, higher pay and promotion, thus leading to a better living standard. This has been proven by the presence of so many ’mom and pop’ English learning centers in Indonesia, as well as the growing number of students sent to private school, that emphasize teaching English or using English as medium.
An EnglishLearningCenter is undoubtedly a Major Business Opportunity - a recession resilient industry.
ILP’s Vision
To establish ILP outlets in all major cities in Indonesia and in countries where English is not the official language.
In order to spread opportunities for everyone in all provinces to get International Quality English Learning programs, ILP is now offering a Full Business Format Franchise to any enterpreneur or company or any institution (government, non-profit organization) which is ready to be it’s partner and has a serious interest in the education business.
ILP Brand Equity
The importance and long-term value of a brand name cannot be over estimated. A well-known brand name makes it easier to enter a new market or to compete in an established one. As an ILP Franchisee, you automatically inherit the credibility, reputation and goodwill that normally takes a new business many years to achieve.
Over the past 5 years, ILP has invested billions of Rupiah in building brand awareness via a broad spectrum of media that includes television, radio, newspapers and magazines, and newer media such as Internet & WWW.
What being an ILP Franchisee means for you
The ILP Franchise Program is a business system with distinct advantages over ’mom and pop’ operations from the initial training and ongoing support of a solid corporation to the opportunity to have personal satisfaction that comes from helping people to learn English and become enriched.
A Proven Record of Success System and a Shortened Learning Curve
By becoming an ILP Franchisee, you will automatically acquire a system with a proven record of success that assures you a much higher business success rate than that of an independent business, thereby enjoying a shortened learning curve because you no longer have to start from zero.
Total professional Support from a Market Leader
You start a business with the security of the market leader supporting you every step along the way, as follows:
o Site Selection, Construction, School Design & Layout Advise
Assistance in surveying the location, building construction, layout design and decor.
o Comprehensive Initial Training
A franchisee will receive comprehensive initial training for the principal, teachers,
the branch manager as well as non teaching staff.
o On Site Training & Technical Support
Training on site is offered at the opening of the outlet. A senior representative from
ILP will also be present at the official launch of the outlet to optimize Public
Relation exposure.
o Ongoing Teacher Training & Support
Provision of teacher training to constantly up-grade teaching skills and update
teaching methods.
o Pooled Advertising, Promotion, & Public Relations
Advertising, promotional and public relations material will be shared throughout the
Franchise Network thus saving costs while consistently maintaining a professional
o Custom Made Point of Sale (POS) & Customer Database System
You will be equipped with a user friendly Point of Sale system that has been specially
designed for ILP
o Business Review & Market Development
We still conduct semi-annual visits for the purpose of reviewing your business,
trouble-shooting and helping you develop your market to the fullest.
o Comprehensive Operations & Corporate Identity Manual Book
We provide a complete Operations Manual that covers every aspect ol ILP business
procedures and form the basis of initial training. The Corporate Identity Manual
will serve as guidance to ensure ILP’s strong corporate identity.
o Continual Improvement to the Business
Any improvements to the Business System and programs will be made available
throughout the whole franchise network
We will conduct research and develop new programs as well as carry out market
surveys regarding ILP and the market to enhance your competitive edge over your
From our student database, ILP can refer students in your area to you.
The ILP Team The key to our success is teamwork. As franchisor, we focus on brand awareness, marketing, product development, business development, quality control, and comprehensive support, freeing you as franchisee to concentrate on the business of providing an excellent service to customers whose satisfaction is the measure of your success.
ILP is a market leader. And you are an entrepreneur with a hunger to succeed. Together, as a team, we will succeed.
“The opportunity and means to succeed now await you!”